Mid-Ohio Farmacy Program
Heart of Ohio Family Health is Partnered with Mid-Ohio Farmacy, A Free Program that Helps Our Patients Get Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Every Week to Better Their Health
What are the benefits of joining Mid-Ohio Farmacy
Fruit and vegetables are nutritious, but can be expensive! Getting health foods every week from the Mid-Ohio Farmacy program will help you get the food you need to stay healthy and help control your blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, and weight.
What's the difference between this program and visiting food pantries
The Mid-Ohio Farmacy program is different than normal food pantry visits in the following ways:
Healthy food
Once a week access
No appointment needed
How do I join
Have a visit with one of our health providers. Ask about how you can get a Mid-Ohio Farmacy card to scan* at the food pantries to make the check-in process faster and lets the food pickup site know you are a part of the program.
How do i receive my produce?
We will provide a list of participating Mid-Ohio Farmacy locations and during operating hours, you can pick up your fresh produce for your household.
Patients referred in the program: 800
Patients using the Mid-Ohio Farmacy program to get free fruit and vegetables at least three times improved their diabetes control by 0.9% compared to patients that didn’t participate.
Patients trying to lose weight who used the Mid-Ohio Farmacy program to get free fruit and vegetables saw increasing weight loss with the greatest effect occurring with 12+ visits per year.
Preliminary data suggests weight loss:
#of annual visits Weight loss in 1 year
No visits to Mid-Ohio Farmacy âž” 0.2 lbs
3-12 visit to Mid-Ohio Farmacy âž” 5.8 lbs
13+ visits to Mid-Ohio Farmacy âž” 10.9 lbs
For more information and updated hours of participating location, please see https://midohiofarmacy.com/ or call us at (614) 235-5555.